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Positive Lifestyle Changes That We Should All Be Thinking About In 2022

positive lifestyle

It is the time of year when we all start thinking about how we want things to be different. Finally, we have a clean slate ahead of us, the chance of a fresh start, and we are looking at a list of New Year’s resolutions that are pointing us towards a happier, healthier positive lifestyle for the rest of the year.

But we all know just how quickly those resolutions can falter. Sometimes all it takes is a few tough days or a minor setback, and we find ourselves on the back foot again. So, how can we give ourselves a better chance of making positive lifestyle changes in the new year? 

8 Tips For Leading A Positive Lifestyle

8 Tips For Leading A Positive Lifestyle

To get off to a good start in January and February and avoid telling ourselves that we will get around in the spring or the summer? 

There is nothing broken here, nothing that needs to be torn down and built from scratch. You just need a little help getting to where you want to be. 

Here are a few ways that you can make changes in your lifestyle and assemble it into a positive lifestyle.

1. Start Getting Organised

One of the biggest obstacles to so many of us making the kind of positive lifestyle changes that we want to see is that we go about them in the wrong way. You simply cannot rush these things, and when you do, well, we all know how that goes. 

We do not meet the targets we set for ourselves. We continue the self-fulfilling prophecy that all such resolutions are doomed from the start, and we continue the cycle next year when we think everything is going to be different. 

2. Make Some Big Plans

2. Make Some Big Plans

If you want to make sure that your positive lifestyle changes stick, then giving yourself a good framework to work from is one of the kindest things you can do for yourself. Sit down with your diary and look carefully at how much time you have available to devote to these activities that you want to get into. 

It may be more than you think if remote working really is here to stay and you don’t have to commute. Go over your budget and make sure that your big plans for 2022 are actually feasible with the money that you have. 

Think carefully about how much work your goals will require before you commit to them. Having these clear in your mind will absolutely help you to see where you can make these improvements in the year ahead.

3. Find An Active Lifestyle That Works For You

By the time we reach the end of the holiday season, we are all ready to shake off the cobwebs, get back into the fresh air and try to shift some of that excess winter weight. However, exercise and weight loss are two resolutions that carry some of the heaviest emotional baggage.

It is so easy to start to self-punish when the big positive lifestyle goals that we have set for ourselves are not met. Those treat meals become acts of self-shaming, and rest days feel like something that we do not deserve. 

4. Take The Positive Resolution And Stay Fit

4. Take The Positive Resolution And Stay Fit

If you are hoping to get into a more active, positive lifestyle in the year ahead, remember that finding something that you enjoy will be the difference between a broken resolution and a new favorite hobby. It is a fact that getting outside and getting some exercise and sunshine does have a big impact on our mental health and our physical health. But the activity is just as important. 

Do not be afraid to try a few different things to find out what you enjoy the positive lifestyle. Look for local routes near you that could offer a welcome break from your computer screen, and reach out to your friends to see if they have any tips.

Find a time of day in the week that works for you, and remember that this is your opportunity to disconnect, to have some time that is just for you.

5. Plan Ahead For Going Green

Going green and cutting down on our carbon footprint is on all our to-do lists for the year ahead. It has become increasingly clear over the last couple of years that this is something that requires urgent action, and we are all looking for changes that we can make in our everyday lives that will have an impact. 

However, while there are some everyday positive lifestyle activities that require little more than remembering to do them (making sure to recycle, for example), some need a little more in the way of preparation. 

For example, making your home more energy efficient may require some expensive changes, such as swapping out old appliances for newer models, not to mention paying for insulation. 

6. Select The Electronic  And Solar-Powered Vehicle

6. Select The Electronic  And Solar-Powered Vehicle

A lot of us have switched to an electric car on our lists for 2022, and this is an area where you are going to want to do plenty of research. There is no getting around the fact that there are a lot of very expensive electric cars on the market, which is why so many people are opting to invest in Nissan LEAF as a more affordable alternative to Tesla. 

For example, given that the battery specs change every year, you need to make sure that you choose the right Nissan LEAF battery to avoid paying for a costly replacement. 

If you want to learn more about finding the right electric car for your positive lifestyle, visit Compare. They offer a range of resources to help you make the right decision on your car insurance and keep paying the lowest available rate.

7. Be Kind To Yourself

Over the last two years, most of us will have gained some first-hand experience of mental positive lifestyle and health issues. 

Sure, we have all read the multitude of different reports about burnout and anxiety in recent months, but we are sure that you will have had a friend, colleague, or family member who has had a hard time with their mental health or that you will have gone through it yourself. 

As we head into 2022, it is so important that we not only continue to keep an eye out for each other and support our loved ones but that we offer ourselves that same kindness and generosity. 

8. Do Not Overburden Yourself With Work Load

The start of the year is always going to be a challenging time as we face rising costs and a brutal workload, so look for the things that you can do that offer you some relief. 

If you find that getting out for some fresh air helps you to get a bit of perspective and peace, then make sure that you are setting some time aside every day for a walk or a jog. On the other hand, if you find that things are starting to stack up and you feel like it is too much, reach out to a friend to talk. 

Remember that we have all been through a lot and that your friend may be just as grateful for a chance to talk and to listen as you are. If you are struggling, think about looking for positive lifestyle professional help. There is a wealth of different services out there which can be tailored to suit your needs. 


One of the essential keys may be to stop thinking about these commitments as resolutions, some kind of positive lifestyle challenge that you are supposed to face down and conquer. You can start thinking of them as changes, tweaks to a system that could be working better to keep you happy and healthy. 

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Sumona is the publisher for RSLOnline. Besides her professional commitments, she is also used to spending time sharing sentient blogs regarding topics like Technology, Business, fashion, fitness, and more. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily and FollowtheFashion

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