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5 Ways In Which AI Chatbots Are Revolutionizing Ecommerce Industries

AI Chatbots

A modern shopper experience is appreciated nowadays for its quick customer service and accessibility that counts for more than half of the customers in the virtual world. We are no longer walking into huge stores with dozens of shopping assistants ready to help up, we rely on receiving all the needed information at the touch of a button.

Ecommerce has taken by storm the entire internet especially during the pandemic. We can order online almost any type of food, beauty product, academic course, or tourism package.

One thing way more surprising than the history of AI is the actual progress it registered during the last years as the branch of online shopping expanded considerably.

These are only 5 of the ways in which AI chatbots revolutionized Ecommerce Industries:

1.Quick Response Rate

1.Quick Response Rate

With one single chatbot, you replace the work of an entire customer service department and you can take requests and new clients even when the office is closed. Having a chatbot installed on your website will automatically store all the messages that are sent to fresh clients or the ones that are exchanged live, so you don’t make any confusion when talking to the clients the following day. Managing new customers and old customers is usually a bit difficult and

2. Customized Answers

Another thing that an AI chatbot can help you with when communicating with your clients is that it offers the possibility of making recommendations for related products and services. Customer support agents seldom forget or are hesitant to offer additional purchase suggestions so an automated promotional message can solve that issue.

3. Call-Center Free Business

If you are a start-up with few open positions for managing customers, this solution will help you gain both time and money. You don’t have to worry about recruiting and managing a full team of call-center agents. Training a new employee is taking both human resources and time.

Instead, you can hire a responsible for your chatbot’s inbox and instruct him or her on sending the queries to the person responsible in your company. This way, you make sure the answers your customers receive are on point and very specific.

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4. 24/7 Assistance All Year Round

Instead of hiring people to work in shifts and answer to queries, you can offer the same experience and ensure 24/7 support for your visitors with an AI chatbot. This way you can cover weekends with high sales opportunities such as Black Fridays or Christmas seasons without offering extra salary benefits or extra days off to your personnel. The perfect win-win scenario, right?

5. Fast Solving Time

No matter how fast-paced a working environment can be, nothing beats the quick reply a conversational bot will send to a website visitor. This standard approach also helps to fix problems easier and faster, since people don’t have to wait in line until their call is being picked up by an agent.

Shipping information and details about the product are also easier to share this way. If you are selling health services or medicinal drugs, you have to offer steady answers and precise shipping times in order to have a great retention rate and a loyal audience in the long term.

Final Thought

We never imagined that having technology at our fingertips will change the way we shop and discover new items or services online. With an AI-powered chatbot, both customers and suppliers find it easier to keep in touch and understand each other.

If you have a big flow of customers, you will definitely gain more efficiency and speed when it comes to solving certain queries. The side issue that arises once you install a conversational chatbot is that you will invest in servers and IT solutions instead of mobile phones and sound systems.

Installing an AI assistant doesn’t mean you should quit classic customer service, but keep it for more complicated issues that are bound to appear in any business.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is a passionate blogger. He loves to share her thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. Mashum Mollah is associated with Mashum Mollah & Blogstellar.

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