Right after Valentine’s day is over, single people (or those who don’t enjoy Valentine’s day) start celebrating the anti Valentine week. The celebration of these days is quite the opposite of the peak of love and romance built up during the seven days of Valentine’s Week.
If this year’s Valentine’s day is not going well for you, or you had a breakup recently, or you are in the constant maze of being single, then the anti-Valentine week might be worth celebrating.
This article will tell you all about the anti-Valentines day and the anti Valentine’s Week. If you are a lonesome fellow, let’s enter the anti-Valentine week together.
What Is Anti Valentine Week?
There is anti-Christ for Jesus Christ, antivirus for viruses, and anti-venom for venom. But did you know that an anti-Valentine week also exists? I guess you did.
February 7th kick-starts Valentine’s Week with Rose Day, followed by Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Kiss Day, and Hug Day. Valentine’s week culminates with Valentine’s day on February 14th.

If you had too much of Valentine’s Week (either with your partner or alone), then it is time for some detox with anti-Valentine’s day. The celebration of the anti Valentine week starts just after Valentine’s Week. Slap Day on February 15th starts after Valentines Day on February 15th.
The anti-Valentine’s week is not related to love or romance. In contrast to the Valentines day, the anti Valentine’s day ends with Break Up day on February 21st. There are Kick Day, Flirt Day, Perfume Day, Confession Day, and Missing Day.
Yes, if you are experiencing the anti Valentine week for the first time, it can be quite a fun experience. However, here are the meanings behind the different days of the anti-Valentine week —
Anti Valentine’s Week: An After Valentine’s Day List
here are the different days of the anti-Valentines week —
1. February 15th, Slap Day
Your journey to the anti Valentine’s day starts with Slap Day on February 15th. If they have made you feel miserable during a relationship, then the slap day is for returning the pain of heartbreak with a tight slap.

No, you don’t have to slap them literally. Instead, slap the feelings of pain and heartbreak those people caused in your life. This can be the first step towards moving on to a better life.
2. February 16th, Kick Day

Now that you have realized that it was not the best idea to give the corner of your heart away to a certain someone, are you ready to kick them out? Yes, kick those people out of your heart. Kick the life you have left behind. If you have received any gifts from your ex, then it is also the best time to kick them out of your house. There is no need to keep things given by a person who does not belong to you anymore.
3. February 17th, Perfume Day
You have had enough of one person’s toxicity. Now that you have slapped the feelings of negativity on the first day of anti Valentine week and kicked out those emotions on the second day, you are ready to feel fresh on the third. The third day of anti Valentine’s Week is perfume day.

Treat yourself to a good and new perfume on Perfume Day. A delightful fragrance will change the way you smell the way you feel. A good perfume can set the right mood.
4. February 18th, Flirting Day

So, you had a pickup line ready, and you were thinking of trying that out on someone. Well, the timing could not be better. The Fourth day of anti Valentine week is the right time for flirting. If you have been thinking of approaching the guy who orders the same drink on Friday nights or the girl you see on the subway trains every day, now is the time.
5. February 19th, Confession Day

there is always time for a sorry. Also, delaying does no good if you are thinking of opening up to someone. So, stop biting your lips, fix your collars, and walk straight to that person and say how you feel. February 19th is the confession day of anti-Valentine week. So, if you made any past mistakes and want to win over someone, then there is no better time than this.
6. February 20th, Missing Day
The missing day is the second last day of the anti Valentine week. If you have any favorite person in mind, then February 20th is the best time to tell them that you are missing them. No, it always does not always have to be your boyfriend/girlfriend.

It could be a family member, a crush, or an exceptional friend. At a time like this, you might feel a leaning towards your ex. But avoid the disaster of texting them and telling them you miss them. Believe me; it does not end well.
7. February 21st, Breakup Day

Were you thinking – ‘when is breakup day?’ February 21st marks the end of the anti Valentines week with Breakup Day. When you are tired of a toxic relationship, it is better to get out of there before it is too late. Choose freedom over a toxic relationship on Breakup Day this year.
Frequently Asked Questions! (FAQs):
here, I have answered some of the questions people usually ask about anti-Valentine day.
Ans: Yes, February 15th, the day next to Valentine’s day, is Slap Day. On Slap Day, you can slap the feelings of negativity and rid yourself of the heartache those negative emotions have caused you. Let your yearning for freedom be a tight slap to the one trying to bind you and pin you down.
Ans: The Anti Valentine week is also called Single’s Week as well. You can start the Week with Slap Day on February 15th. The anti Valentine week ends on Breakup Day on February 21st.
Ans: So, if you are celebrating Valentine’s Week, you must know which day comes after which. Here is a full list of days in Valentines week in order — Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Kiss Day, and Hug Day. Finally, after Hug Day, Valentine’s Day comes.
There is no need to feel down because you are single on a Valentine’s week. You can still celebrate the anti Valentine week. I have explained everything about anti Valentine week starting from Slap Day. If you are thinking of celebrating this week then this article might help.
However, if you have any further queries, you can ask me in the comment section. I will be quick to answer them.
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