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6 Types Of Office Plants For Your Business

6 Types Of Office Plants For Your Business

In the past, indoor plants were common in homes, but you will get different planters in offices today. Office plants have myriad benefits, and choosing the right match is easy. However, the maintenance needs, size, and features vary, and you should pick an ideal option for your space.

People are slowly recognizing that indoor plants serve the beautification part of the commercial infrastructure and go beyond. This is why the discussion of these small plants is quite apt and just. The following article discusses six of the office plants best suited for your business.

Six Office Plants For Your Business

If you discuss commercial space, gone are the days of the gray walls. Today offices are the experimental space for open floor plans. What’s better than office plants for your business decoration? Check out indoor office plant varieties for your office:

1.Nerve plant

Nerve plant

The nerve plant is ideal for low-light spaces and will enhance the look of dark office spaces. Moreover, it can thrive easily in dim-lighted areas or on windowsills. However, it will wither when placed in sunny areas. Therefore, water it regularly to ensure the soil is wet at all times.

2. Pothos

Pothos  is also called devil’s ivy due to its high toxicity. It thrives well in indirect lighted spaces and is an excellent low-maintenance plant for any office space.

Moreover, it is an excellent natural purifier that will help eliminate air pollutants. Hence, to get the most out of the Pothos plant, use slightly moist soil and water it when the top inch of the soil is dry.

3. Chinese Evergreen

The Chinese evergreen is one of the favorite office plants due to its attractive foliage. It’s a good air purifier and is ideal for anyone too busy to pay attention to their plants.

It boasts thick, feathery leaves in shades of green, silver, and gray. The leaves have attractive patterns, which add to their visual appeal. Chinese evergreens can tolerate lower light conditions but thrive best in a well-lit room. They are also sensitive to extreme temperatures, so avoid exposing the plant to cold drafts.

4. Peace Lily

The peace lily features deep green foliage, and its gorgeous white flowers will make your space stand out. The plant symbolizes tranquility, peace, and harmony and is commonly chosen as a gift in homes or offices.

It does well in bright rooms and suits most office conditions. However, avoid direct sunlight or chemicals in tap water; instead, use filtered water. The peace lily is a good air purifier and will improve indoor air quality. It is easy to maintain, but you should water it to avoid wilting.

5. Snake plant

The snake plant is yet another attractive option for your office. It is famous for its striking appearance and low maintenance needs. The snake plant has long, upright leaves featuring green or silver markings. Its leaves are thick and fleshy and grow vertically, resembling the shape of a snake.

Snake plants make ideal choices for any office setting. They are easy to care for or maintain and can go for days without water. Snake plants also boast air-purifying qualities and will help eliminate toxins in your indoor office air.

6. Cast Iron Plant

The cast iron plant features dark green leaves and is an evergreen perennial plant. It can grow up to 2 feet and requires minimal care or maintenance.

It can endure a lot of neglect, thus making it ideal for office settings. It can survive very low light conductions and minimal watering since it’s incredibly tough.

Are you looking for the most suitable office plant for your business? Your choices are endless. Learn about the plant’s features, size, and maintenance needs, and choose one that suits your needs.

Some Of The Benefits Of Keeping Office Plants

Different studies put forth the fact the addition of greenery in the form of a green campus has a major benefit for the employees and the organization. Here are some of the benefits of keeping office plants. 

Reduction Of Stress And Anxiety 

A study by the University of Sydney reveals the fact that keeping green plants all over the office helped reduce stress and anxiety among workers. Moving forward with the report, there was a fall of 37% in reported tension and anxiety. Moreover, the rate of depression fell to a massive 58%. These stats are highly motivating to say the least. 

Actually, the green color has a calming and relaxing effect. Therefore the decoration of offices with the green plant can have a similar effect. 

Reducing Sickness And Absence 

Keeping green plants in the office helps in reducing sickness. This in turn, works to decrease absent rates in the workplace. An observation says that the workers who incorporated plants and natural element report 15% well-being scores. Not only this, but the workers also had 6% higher productivity rates compared to the ones with no live plants in their workspace. 

Better ROI

The success of an organization depends on whether it is able to have a better return on investment. The companies where the is less absenteeism or, say, better present rates have fared well in terms of productivity. Also, these companies turned out to be better-performing companies. This is the huge difference the simple-looking workspace with plants can make to you. 

A Better Place For Job Applicant 

The benefits of keeping a good ambiance for working are galore. And one of them is better onboarding rates. A study found that job applicants liked and appreciated a workplace design with an open working environment. More than 50% of workers are constrained to work in an environment where there are lesser lights. It hampers the condition of your work. Hence you must keep plants in your office. 

Putting The Discussion To A Close

The success of a workplace depends quite an extent, on employee engagement. A good workplace is indeed beneficial from the point of view of the growth of business. Therefore you to keep more and more plants. The ones listed are a perfect match for your business. 

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Abdul Aziz mondol

Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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