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Long-Term Effects Of Car Accidents: Emotional And Physical

Effects Of Car Accidents

Every year, around 2.5 million people are disabled or seriously hurt due to car accidents. In case you are involved in a car accident, apart from physical damage. It will also leave mental and financial effects as well.

You may not have an idea at the time of the accident what you are going to experience in later days. So, contacting an atlanta auto accident lawyer can help you to get the claim that you deserve. Here I will tell you about some physical and mental effects of car accidents.

The Physical Effect Of Car Accident

So, first, let’s have a look at the physical effects that a car accident can have. An Atlanta Auto Accident Lawyer also can guide you with the medical claims of all these physical effects.

Cuts And Burns

Cuts And BurnsDuring car accidents, cuts and burns are some common physical damages. On the basis of the severity of the car accidents, there can be shards of metal, debris, broken glass, which can cause cuts.

During the crash, some of the car parts and body may get hot and result in burns when touched.

Back And Spine Injuries

A car crash can result in simple sprains that recover quickly, to damaged nerve networks that can end up giving permanent or temporary paralysis.

After an accident, in case you experience any kind of back pain, go consult a doctor. Sometimes many years after an accident, people with back and spine injuries suffer from recurring pain.

Tissue Damage And Fractures

Tissue Damage And FracturesTissue damage and fractures are something that can not be determined unless and until getting medical attention. Due to the adrenaline rush during the time of a car accident, you may just feel totally okay.

But until you start to feel the pain or go through an x-ray, you will not realize that you have a fracture. For some people, the tissue damage also can last long.

Loss Of Limbs

Sometimes, you also can face loss of limbs due to severe car accidents. Though it is a rare case, it does happen.

And it also can lead to some other complications, like blood clots, mobility difficulties, constant pain, and infections.

The Emotional Effect Of Car Accident

Now, as we get the idea of the physical effects that a car accident can give you, now I will discuss the emotional effect of a car accident.


DepressionIt is really vital that you are giving yourself enough time to overcome a traumatic experience of a car accident. And it is also crucial to moving forward with your life, which some people really find difficult.

In case you are constantly feeling sad, finding it difficult to sleep, and having no interest in your daily activities, you should consult a doctor. Depression can be the cause.


Anxiety is something that will creep up on you slowly. It is a common event that people who have gone through a traumatic experience develop some anxiety issues.

And it can come in the form of physical symptoms, like nausea and panic attacks. You may not want to go back to the driving seat or become anxious about being just a passenger in any car.

PTSD Or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Developing PTSD is common for those who have been through any kind of traumatic event. Those people can be hyper-aware of their surroundings and also react quickly.

They also can face difficulty in relaxing and sleeping and be emotionally numb. It is really crucial to consult with a doctor in case of PTSD.

Behaviour Changes

Different people handle traumatic events in a different manner, but behavioral changes can be noticed often. Some people with behavioral issues may seem confused or also can believe in realities, which are not true.

Disorganized speech and hallucination are really common. This can lead to different types of disorders, so consulting a professional is advised.

Bottom Line

So, these are the physical and emotional effects of car accidents. Scheduling a doctor visit as soon as possible is always mandatory though you feel totally fit and fine. And in case you are thinking about claiming consideration, you can get guidance from an Atlanta Auto Accident Lawyer.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is a passionate blogger. He loves to share her thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. Mashum Mollah is associated with Mashum Mollah & Blogstellar.

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